Frequently Asked Questions

Your order from The Keester will be shipped via one of UPS, FedEx, or USPS, and usually arrives within 5 days of shipping. We dispatch orders between 1 and 5 days after order confirmation.

The Keester only ships to the 50 U.S. states at this time.

Due to our different shipping locations, we cannot guarantee that all parts of an order will be shipped or arrive at the same time.

We accept returns of new, unused, unopened The Keester products within 90 days of delivery confirmation. To start a return, please fill in this form.

Our 30-Day Product Guarantee protects you from defects, manufacturing faults, and lost-in-post shipments.

No, our secure processing system will charge your credit or debit card without us even seeing your sensitive information.

Yes, sales tax will be automatically calculated and charged according to shipping address.

If you must make changes to an existing order, please contact our team at within 24 hours of placing your order. Order changes cannot be made beyond 24 hours after the order has been made.

We’re happy to help! Please email with any questions about our product and we will be happy to assist you.